We carried out a test screening to establish what an audience thought of our trailer. Participants filled our a questionnaire having viewed the trailer.

From the data above we can clearly learn that the trailer is effective in its purpose, that is to sell the film to the audience. 100% of participants stated that they would see the film our trailer is advertising at the cinema and the entire sample identified the genre of the film from the trailer alone.
However we can also learn that there are faults with our product. A minority of the participants did not feel that graphics and sound were used as effectively as they could be. From qualitative data we learnt that they felt that they did not have time to read the information presented in the graphics and that they would prefer to have had more dialogue.
However despite indications that there are faults participants would still see the film at the cinema and therefore we can conclude that our trailer serves its purpose well.
We carried out interviews to find out what people thought of our magazine cover:
From this qualitative data we can learn that our magazine cover is comparable to a real product and that it would stand out on a shelf effectively enough to catch the eye of a potential buyer.
Almost all the participants said that font and colour was used effectively as well as eye catching images. They also expressed the view that our product was similar to a real product (such as Empire) and that they would pick it up off the shelf if they saw it. It is clear from these comments that our product follows the conventions of real media products.
However participants also said that the product could gain from minor improvements. One participant stated that he wouldn't buy the product straight away based on the cover but he would have a look at the content first. Others commented that the RRP of the magazine was a little steep, however this is around the standard price for a mainstream film magazine such as total film or empire.
For the poster feedback we interviewed a member of our media class and created a Facebook page to collect feedback from a larger sample.
From this interview we can learn that the poster is effective in making the genre of our product clear. As well as this we learn that the layout of the poster is effective in catching the viewers eye and that it is similar to a real product. We can also learn that the poster tells the viewer enough about the narrative of the film to encourage them to see the movie.
However we also learn that the poster could be even better. The participant states that the background image could have more texture to it.
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