Monday, 28 February 2011

Preliminary Task

Reccee Notes

  • The majority of our shots are in the kitchen.
  • During the fight scene in the kitchen we will keep the main light at the same angle. If we moved it, it may cause the film to lose some of its grit. We would like the lighting to be cold to make the scene seem more brutal.

  • The car seen will be the hardest to film as the image quality may come out grainy due to lack of light however with a light it would be too artificial and bright. To combat this we will have all the lights on in the car as they will not be too bright and will reduce risk of graininess.

  • We would like the return scene to light more warmly as it is not meant to be as dark/brutal.

  • Our final shot is a pan on to a picture of the killer and the victim. This may be difficult as the light may reflect off the glass in the picture frame. To combat this we will remove the glass and use non shiny paper to print the picture.

  • We are aware that it would be hard to do retakes as our actors are all university students from Bristol and leads so we have to film in the holidays. Therefore we are repeating the shots numerous times to make sure nothing has gone wrong.